Plan menu for a wide variety of Malaysia dishes to enrich buffet choice (our normal meals are buffet), including breakfast/lunch/ dinner/banque.
Capable to cook traditional/ modern Malaysian food in high quality.
Capable to cook for banquet in high quality, including starters/ soup/ main dish/ dessert etc.
Able to prepare BBQ as required, knowledge of how to marinade/ grill to best taste etc.
Good knowledge in the use of Malaysia food/ canapé/ BBQ/ pastry cooking methods, ingredient, equipment, and processes etc.
Create and develop new dishes based on client specifications to renew menus and engage the interest of customers.
Meet with guests reserving banquet halls to discuss specific Malaysia cuisine needs and any special requests.
Decorating food/ pastries using different ingredients, icings, toppings etc. to ensure the presentation will be beautiful and exciting.
Sense of Taste and Smell: Delicious food brings in customers.
Guide assistants to learn Malaysia food/pastry by recipes.
According to the usage and inventory of ingredients and raw material for Malaysia dishes formulate procurement plan to head chef.
Minimize the wastage and spoilage of ingredients and other food items
Ensure high quality of food, and analyze customer’s preferences.
In depth knowledge of sanitation principles, cleanliness, safety, food preparation and cooking techniques and nutrition.
Great attention to detail and creativity.
Willingness to replenish professional knowledge.
Complete the workload assigned according to kitchen management institution in high quality.
Required skills: Malaysia food/ BBQ/ Banquet/ Pastry.
Age: under 40 years old.
Malaysia nationality.
Gender requirement: No gender prefer
3-5 years’ experience as a Chef in F&B field, preferably in a banquet environment or starred restaurant.
Language skills: English or Chinese, Chinese prefer.
Strong communication skills with colleagues and customers, fluency in both written and spoken English or Chinese, capable to work with a multi-cultural team and guests alike.
Precise eye for detail.
Willing and able to commit on Public Holidays.
Adhere to legal obligations
亚洲出国劳务 | 中国澳门中国香港 缅甸越南马尔代夫蒙古 印度尼西亚柬埔寨新加坡韩国 日本马来西亚哈萨克斯坦文莱 | |
非洲出国劳务 | 肯尼亚埃塞俄比亚赞比亚 刚果坦桑尼亚赤道几内亚尼日利亚 马达加斯加埃及南非纳米比亚 加纳南苏丹阿尔及利亚安哥拉 几内亚 | |
中东出国劳务 | 阿联酋土耳其 沙特以色列科威特埃及 伊朗伊拉克约旦阿曼 卡塔尔叙利亚也门土耳其巴林 | |
欧洲出国劳务 | 斯洛文尼亚英国 俄罗斯德国西班牙法国 意大利乌克兰荷兰比利时 葡萄牙 | |
美洲出国劳务 | 秘鲁 美国加拿大 | |
大洋洲出国劳务 | 澳大利亚新西兰 | |
建筑工程 | 木工/铝模板 瓦工钢筋工装修工电焊工 水电工建筑普工工程车司机架子工 施工员 | |
生产技术工 | 机械制造/维修 食品加工 服装缝纫工 机械操作工 数控车床 家具木工 印刷包装 技术助理/学徒 石油化工 质检员 | |
酒店家政服务 | 厨师 帮厨配菜面点调酒 家政保洁保姆保安 保健按摩足疗 美容美发美甲 服务员 医疗护理 | |
文职销售教育 | 销售人员 会计出纳 行政文员 客服/助理 管理储备干部 教师 翻译 | |
农林牧副渔 | 近深海捕捞 水产养殖 农业种植采摘 畜牧放牧 | |
司机运输仓储 | 货运司机 仓储物流 客运司机 | |
海运空乘 | 海员船员 游轮服务员 空乘 游轮厨师 游轮护理美容 | |
电子软件互联网 | 计算机软件 电子工程师 通信电信工程师 计算机硬件 电子商务 | |
出国留学 | 日本留学 韩国留学 澳大利亚留学 美国留学 加拿大留学 德国留学 | |
移动触屏版 | 好出国手机端 |